Peg Perego - Car Carrycot Transport Kit with Mattress and Side Protections
With the Car Kit for XL Navetta you can transport your baby by car in its XL Navetta in complete safety.
Demanding the Original has its advantages! Navetta XL car kit is equipped with 3-point straps with shoulder straps and hooks for car transport.
Thanks to the Car Kit, you can use the Crib Elite even in the car, offering your baby great comfort and safety in his first few months. The Auto Kit is approved for Group 0 – from 0 to 10 kg (0 – 9 months).
-Three point straps equipped with shoulder straps
-Hooks for transport by car
- Car mattress
-Protective polystyrene
The Car Shuttle XL is approved according to the UN/ECE R44/04 regulation for children weighing from 0-10 kg.

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