Childbirth T-Shirt

Childbirth clothing

To face the most beautiful experience in a woman's life, you need to pack your suitcase close to the end of time. In general, it is recommended to have a birth shirt, to be chosen according to one's tastes and needs but which must have an essential feature: to be comfortable and simple.
For the actual birth, it is advisable to wear a birth night t-shirt with a front opening made with buttons. This is very useful to facilitate the work of the midwives and doctors who will carry out the visits as well as being easy to open for the first breastfeeding.
The childbirth shirt should be made of natural material, such as cotton, which lends itself well to being washed in the washing machine without suffering any kind of damage.
If the birth should take place in the summer, instead of the birth nightgown, a large birth t-shirt can also be used, always with an opening on the front.

The fabrics

As far as the fabric is concerned, it is better to opt for cotton, perhaps choose a warm cotton birth shirt if you are giving birth in winter even if it is advisable to wear clothes that are not excessively warm. The fabrics to be preferred must be of good quality and not synthetic. On the market there are an infinite series of childbirth shirt models with different colors but opting for neutral colors such as white is the best solution because they are easily washable.

Tips for choosing the shirt

Buying a childbirth shirt, be it a t-shirt or a shirt, could be complicated if you have no idea what to expect. First you need to know that the garment must be comfortable since, especially during labor, the woman must be wearing something that does not disturb her movements.
To feel at ease, it is advisable to choose a delivery shirt of the most congenial colour, shape, fabric and length, without forgetting that those that are too long should be discarded because they are not exactly versatile at the time of actual delivery.
Regardless of the season, don't forget that the delivery shirt must have short sleeves because it could happen that you need a drip to inject a saline solution or oxytocin so your arms must remain free.
Obviously every garment for childbirth must be open at the front so nightgowns with buttons should be chosen, preferably along the entire length.

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