Juices and drinks

Organic Fruit Juices For Children

Children's fruit juices: how to choose the best ones

Fruit juices are a drink much loved by children and teenagers, especially for breakfast or a snack but often (unfortunately) also at mealtimes.
It is certainly not a harmful food to be banned in absolute terms, but it certainly cannot be said that it is good for you. If consumed in the right quantities and only occasionally (as indeed for most things) there is no contraindication, on the contrary it is a more than desirable alternative to the many other sugary and carbonated drinks that children often seek out.

Baby fruit juices: ingredients and when to give them to babies

By now all doctors and nutritionists are of the same opinion: it is absolutely not necessary to include fruit juices in the diet of infants who are weaned until they are one year old, but it would still be advisable to avoid them up to 2-3 years of age.
This is because water is sufficient for the hydration of the little ones, especially during meals, furthermore the daily intake of sugars is abundantly guaranteed by fresh fruit and milk.
In fact, packaged fruit juices consist only in part of fruit, accompanied by a certain percentage of water, sugars, dyes and preservatives.

This means that by drinking a juice the child would introduce into his body numerous superfluous and in any case unhealthy substances for his growth.
In particular, and this applies to parents, one must never believe that this drink can replace the intake of fresh fruit, which on the contrary has many fibers, vitamins, mineral salts and natural sugars such as fructose.
Fruit juices, on the other hand, being filtered and manipulated in other ways, have no fiber and have lost most of their vitamin content; above all they contain sucrose, an added sugar which is added to that already present in the fruit.

Sugar-free and organic fruit juices: which one to choose for your child?

Considering what has been said so far, when choosing which fruit juices to buy for your little ones, first of all try to prefer 100% fruit products with no added sugars as well as natural ones, which also contain a fairly high percentage of water so that they do not are too concentrated and heavy. Try to choose brands that use Italian and controlled raw materials, possibly organic.
Make sure that consumption is occasional and does not become a habit.
Even better would be to prepare smoothies, citrus juices or juices at home to be consumed at the moment, with fresh, healthy and nutrient-rich fruits.

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