Potties and toilet reducers

The Best Potties To Eliminate All Those Diapers? Here they are!

Your child grows quickly and you will soon realize that already around 18 months he will feel the need to conquer his independence. He will start imitating you parents or older siblings if he has them.

One of the first things in the world of adults that creates curiosity in children is the use of the toilet.

Try to indulge him and start a growth journey with him that involves trying to remove the diaper. The watchword, and repeat it often, is: patience!

When to remove the diaper

Removing the diaper should be a very gradual step. Between one change and another, try to sit the child on the potty or on the toilet, equipped with a special toilet reducer. If you notice that the diaper often stays dry, it means that your baby is ready.

Be that as it may, pottying usually begins around 2 years of age, advisable in the summer before the start of nursery school. Only remove the diaper during the day, and leave it on again during the night and when you sleep.

If you notice that your baby is not ready, put his diaper back on without scolding him, and wait a few weeks before trying again.

Tricks to remove the diaper

Go with your child to buy a nice potty / booster seat for children. If he chooses it, he will be more inclined to use it. Always with your child, go and buy a good supply of panties. Let him choose! In addition to the potty/reducer, place books to read in the bathroom. only when he's sitting there. He will also be intrigued by these readings and will be more inclined to go to the bathroom. On a regular basis, more or less an hour, take him to pee. He won't always want to interrupt the game or anything, but be politely firm, and get him to go. Compliment him when he pees or poops in the potty and treat him often. Agree on a prize if he can go all day without getting wet. Don't scold or humiliate him, some hiccups are inevitable.
How to choose the right potty : Ideally, the child chooses the potty himself, so that he does not see it as an object to be afraid of. On the other hand, it is your duty as a parent to make sure that they make the right choice and we are sure that you will be able to point your child in the right direction. The first aspect to take into consideration is the stability of the potty. The child must feel comfortable in this new seat, but at the same time firm, so that he can fully relax. The height of the potty is also an important factor. Your child must be able to sit up and stand up on it independently without the help of an adult. There are various models, from the simplest basin type, to those that simulate the toilet of adults, passing through those that are equipped with real games. Ultra-equipped or minimal, it is essential that the potty is easy to clean, so if it is not basic it must have removable components. Potty refusal : It may happen that some children show a real refusal to sit on the potty. It often happens to children with a strong temperament, or more simply to those a little lazy who prefer to play rather than waste time going to the bathroom. First of all, find out the reason why the child does not want to sit on the potty, and then nothing prevents you from suspending potty training and postponing it for a few weeks. A valid solution could be to offer the child a toilet seat reducer. An integral part of the growth process is imitation. Perhaps the idea of ​​using a toilet reducer could stimulate him more precisely because he is used to seeing his parents or older siblings use the toilet. Surely respecting the potty is one step further in feeling grown up. Hygiene even outside the home : If your child has finally learned to control his stimuli, it is good that you are equipped even when you are away from home. There are many types of travel potties on the market: foldable, inflatable or even in recyclable cardboard. Surely you will find the one that best suits your needs. If instead we talk about public places, we all know that in the bathrooms it is best to avoid direct contact with the toilet seat, where the percentage of germs and bacteria is very high. As with the potty, there is also the travel toilet reducer, which once folded you can close in a comfortable bag. A valid and even less cumbersome alternative is the disposable toilet seat. You can keep this disposable toilet seat in your purse and it will come in handy not only for your little one.
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