Let's face it, they may even call it angel pee and poo, but even if well sealed inside the diaper, what our children produce is really very annoying to keep at home or on the terraces. In addition to being an important cost, the diaper also becomes difficult to dispose of.
Hence the companies specializing in baby products have therefore invented the nappy bin, also known as "the nappy pig".
What is the diaper for?
This accessory is a dirty diaper bin designed to contain used diapers and above all to completely isolate bad smells, germs and bacteria, which a simple used diaper bin cannot do.
Types of nappy bins
There are various types of diaper bins on the market, which differ substantially in how they work.
There are diaper bins that have a single bag and others in which each diaper is individually sealed.
There are simpler models where the diaper is inserted manually, others that are equipped with a special knob that automates this operation.
Another factor to take into consideration when choosing a baby food is its capacity. In fact, there are smaller models that contain 10-15 diapers and others much larger that can contain even 200.
Nappy disposal system
The Nappy Eaters are equipped with a handy serrated bar that allows you to easily cut the bags. You just have to knot them and throw them in the undifferentiated waste because they are non-recyclable plastic products.