MGA - Rainbow High Shadow Trunk Show Ainsley Slater doll
Ainsley Slater is unique. His clothes are black, white, with iridescent tones and golden details. She has long purple hair, glass eyes with long lashes, rainbow eyeshadow and pink lipstick.
Supplied with three matching outfits and accessories that you can mix and match. The first outfit is a top, black pants, heels and purse. The second a suit, jacket and studded boots. The third is a top, jacket, skirt and heels. Ainsley Slater is the newest student at Shadow High, but her talent for accessories and fashion design speaks for itself. Ainsley is ready to be the queen of the school with her precious clothes, fully articulated and posable, her arms and legs bend to take many glamorous poses. You can display her on the included doll stand
The package includes a fashion doll with clothes and accessories to create over 400 looks: 4 tops, 2 skirts, 1 dress, 2 jackets, 1 pair of pants, 4 pairs of shoes and accessories
Watch the new episodes of the animated series on YouTube. And watch previous episodes from the beginning on Netflix! Just search for "Rainbow High Dolls" or "Shadow High Dolls"
When you open the doll for the first time, you can wash her hair thoroughly to remove any gel residue. Let them dry and then comb them however you want
Recommended age : 6+ years

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