Clementoni - Sweet Cloud Mobile Cot Mobile 17710
Sweet Cloud Cot Mobile, sweet cradle mobile to entertain and relax the baby during the delicate phase of falling asleep.
The sweet melody of the music box of the electronic module, the possibility of customizing the base of the arch and the tender characters create a calm and serene atmosphere, to accompany the little one to sleep.
The slow rotation of the characters, in soft fabric, attracts the attention of the child, promoting visual development and eye coordination.
It favors the development of visual and auditory perception and motor coordination: the child will be able to make his first movements to reach the elements he sees spinning.
Did you know that…
Psycho-pedagogical studies increasingly affirm the importance of sensory stimulation and music from the first months of life. More and more often, expectant mothers are advised to buy the carousel a few months before the birth of the child and to listen to the melody before going to sleep. In this way the sound waves also reach the unborn child, who will tend to recognize them when he is in the cradle and associate them with the moment of sleep.
Emotional growth
The music has been designed to reproduce specific vibrations capable of relaxing the baby until he falls asleep.
Cognitive growth
It supports the development of sight, hearing and touch, strengthens the child's curiosity and his interaction with the surrounding environment.
Comfort Zones
Create a soothing environment that can soothe and put the baby to sleep.
It helps parents in defining and differentiating bedtime from waking time. The cuddly toys can be unhooked and handed over to the child, the parent can also use the two sides (cloud and character) to entertain the child by playing peek-a-boo.

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