Doubts before embarking on a journey, more or less long, with a newborn are legitimate, yet the Sin - Italian Society of Neonatology has clearly stated that «newborns, contrary to what you think, can face any type of journey, provided that the conditions necessary for their comfort are present". The suggestion, if possible, is only to wait for the first ten days after birth, a period in which some conditions (start of breastfeeding, weight loss, possible jaundice...) could be monitored with the advice of your pediatrician. Then, you can leave. Planning a trip by car is perhaps the simplest solution: both for the convenience of managing timetables, and for the ease of canceling the trip 'last minute', and for the space available for luggage which, as we know, can be especially cumbersome when it comes to small children.
Here are some tips for a road trip.
Where does the child travel? Children must travel in the appropriate seats (according to the law, different according to weight and age). Even if, from time to time, the temptation to remove the child from that uncomfortable position becomes irresistible, one must not give in: rather, opt for an additional stop. A useful suggestion is to try, before setting off, to place him in the seat and see how he behaves, perhaps getting him used to longer and longer journeys day by day.
When to leave? Waiting for bedtime or planning to leave after dinner could be ways to lighten the journey: the child will be sleeping for part of the journey. Password, therefore: follow its rhythms.
What precautions to take? In the car it is advisable not to abuse the air conditioning, positioning it - if necessary - at temperatures not much lower than the outside ones, and in any case not below 22-23 degrees (and it is a good idea to air the interior from time to time) . It is also necessary to plan a stop approximately every two hours and whenever the child needs to be fed. Dressing him in natural fabrics and fibers could make the journey more comfortable.
How to entertain him? There will still be a time when the baby will be awake. Babies, as we know, modulate the day according to the pappa/nanna rhythm. As soon as they are a little older, however, they demand attention of a different kind. For this we recommend age-appropriate toys, soft books for manual and sensory activities (and also for teething!), CDs with songs or a ready-made playlist loaded on your mobile phone. Even the audio stories are a pleasant entertainment. Then remember his travel kit: change of diapers change of clothes supply of pacifiers bed cover handkerchiefs (for emergencies) and wet wipes water and various drinks (if he is already weaned) savory snacks and sweets in single-serving packs within reach by hand (for the older ones).
After 30 minutes of travel
According to a study by the University of Bristol, newborns, mostly those born before term (aged between 13 days and two months and weighing an average of 2.5 kilograms), show signs of oxygen deficiency during car journeys after about 30 minutes. The head, dangling, partially occludes the airways and the little one finds it difficult to breathe. A confirmation of the importance of stopping several times along the way.
Taken from Born Mom | by Lucia Modici