Domestic work is linked to a turnover of 19 billion euros a year, between housekeepers and babysitters. Yet, there is no regulation on the training of these professional figures. Are things changing?
Is there a certification for babysitters?
From now on, housekeepers, carers and babysitters will be able to access, on a voluntary basis, an exam that certifies skills, abilities and professional knowledge acquired according to European standards. Until now, there was no nationally recognized certification. It was the UNI – Italian National Unification Body, a private association without
recognized by the State and by the European Union, which for almost 100 years has been developing and publishing voluntary technical standards (the UNI standards, in fact), to publish a document at the end of 2019 which defines the knowledge, skill and competence requirements of the figures professionals who work in the field of family assistance.
What training should babysitters, cleaners and carers have?
The UNI 11766, this is the name of the standard, recalls the importance of the training of domestic cleaners, babysitters and carers. Hence the structuring of an exam that establishes the worker's professionalism, which can only be taken after having previously acquired three requisites: basic knowledge of the Italian language; a certificate of participation in a training course of at least 40 hours for housekeepers and 64 hours for carers and babysitters; a regular domestic work contract of at least 12 months in a three-year period. To access the exam, there is then the obligation
to subscribe to a code of ethics: 9 rules of behavior to keep at home, starting with respect
of the privacy of the family, up to the language, respect for the educational method chosen by the family and for the rules of the house.
Which associations can I contact for more information on accredited babysitters?
«The technical standard Uni 11766:2019 - declares Alessandro Lupi, vice president Assindatcolf, the national association
of employers in the domestic sector, and vice-president of EbinColf, the sector's National Bilateral Body which, together with the social partners who signed the CCNL, promoted the initiative - it fills a regulatory gap since, up to now, there was no a system of recognition and certification of skills for housekeepers, carers and babysitters. In addition to this, rules of conduct to be followed at home are put on paper for the first time». From when the rule will be applied, families will be able to evaluate whether to give priority to babysitters
they will have passed the exam, thus choosing to start a collaboration with an even more Mary Poppins
Taken from Born Mom | by Carlotta Cordieri