The 2018 Budget Law (formerly the Stability Law, before that the Finance Law) entered
into force on 1 January and refers to the state budget for the 2018 financial year and to the multi-year budget for the three-year period 2018-2020. Among the most relevant points are the measures concerning families.
Among the innovations introduced are the
new rules for requesting the baby bonus , which for those born on or after 1 January 2018
will only last one year . The bonus will no longer be paid until the child's third year of life or the third year of his entry into the family unit (which has sparked many criticisms). Families will be able to benefit from a check of
80 euros per month for a total of 960 euros , in the event that the value of the ISEE model does not exceed 25,000 euros per year, or 160 euros per month in the event that the Isee does not exceed 7 thousand euros. Other requisites are
cohabitation with the child and
Italian or European citizenship or an EU residence permit for long-term residents , with political refugee status or subsidiary protection. The procedures for submitting the application remain the same, electronically on the INPS website. To receive the allowance on a monthly basis from the time of birth (or adoption)
it is essential that the request is received within 90 days of that date.
The mom bonus has been confirmed tomorrow, aimed at
future mothers who request it and for an amount equal to
800 euros . Introduced in 2017 with the aim of contributing to the necessary expenses in the months immediately preceding the birth, the 2018 mom tomorrow bonus can be requested
regardless of the future mother's income . It is valid for women who have
completed their seventh month of pregnancy (even if they give birth before the eighth month). It is also available in the event of adoption or pre-adoptive assignment and is granted in a single solution.
The daycare bonus has also been extended. The facilitation for families provides for the disbursement of an amount
of up to 1000 euros for the enrollment of children in the nursery school. There are no income limits: according to the rules currently in force,
all families can therefore request it. The maximum repayable amount of 1,000 euros is distributed over a total of 11 months, for a
monthly amount of 90.91 euros . The contribution is paid on an annual basis for a
maximum of 3 years of enrollment in the nursery school. Parents of children under the age of 3 who cannot attend kindergartens because they suffer from serious chronic diseases can also submit the application.
The 2018 baby sitting voucher is a monthly contribution intended to
pay the babysitter in the event that the new mother, after maternity leave, renounces parental leave . The amount of the contribution is disbursed for a maximum period of 6 months, which decreases to 3 if the mother is registered in the separate or autonomous non-subordinate management.
Therefore, €600 is due for each month of renunciation of parental leave. The same benefit is also granted to part-time working mothers, but in proportion to the reduced hours, on the basis of the contract.
Last but not least among the new features is the
family card , introduced in 2016 but which only today reaches the implementing decree. To use it, you must have
at least 3 dependent children and an income not exceeding 30,000 euros . It is an electronic card that will allow you to benefit from special benefits and discounts on various types of expenses, to be exhibited in shops and public and private structures that adhere to the initiative. In addition to these provisions, low-income families will be able to apply for the
Carta Rei, the inclusion income : the amount, which varies according to the composition of the family unit, ranges from around 180 euros to 500 euros per month for families with 5 or multiple components.
Beyond the bonuses for the family, the State maternity allowances deserve a note, i.e.
concessions aimed at working or precarious mothers , guaranteed for
a maximum of 5 months. The amount of the check is revalued annually by INPS. For 2017 it started from 338.89 euros per month; for 2018 we have to wait for the new Inps circular. A fundamental requirement to be entitled to the grant is to be resident in Italy and Italian, EU or non-EU citizens with an EC residence permit.

To apply you must also be:
working mothers with 3 months of maternity contributions paid in the period between 18 and 9 months prior to the date of birth or the entry into the family of the adopted or fostered child;
dismissed or resigned mothers with 3 months of maternity contributions paid in the period between 18 and 9 months prior to the date of the birth or the child's entry into the family;
unemployed working mothers Naspi, mobility or layoffs , provided that no more than 9 months have elapsed between the last day of the economic benefit used and the date of the birth (or the entry into the family of the adopted or fostered child)
mothers in separate management with 3 months of contributions paid in the 12 months preceding the start of the ordinary compulsory leave, ie from the eighth month of pregnancy or early maternity in the event, for example, of a high-risk pregnancy.
unemployed mothers and housewives there is instead
the maternity allowance from the Municipality ; in 2017 the amount was equal to 338.89 euros per month for 3 months. The application must be submitted to the Municipality of residence within 6 months of the birth of the child or of the entry into the family of the minor if adopted or in foster care. The allowance is due to unemployed mothers or housewives who cannot claim the 3 months of INPS contributions paid to maternity leave in the last 18 months. Furthermore, to be entitled to the maternity allowance from the Municipalities,
the mother must have an ISEE not exceeding 16995.95 euros , not receive other social security benefits or other INPS maternity allowance.
By Laura Sciolla | Taken from Being Born a Mom