Bedwetting problems?

Problemi di pipì a letto?

What is enuresis?

Bedwetting, called 'enuresis', is an involuntary loss of urine at an age when bladder control should already have been achieved. Enuresis deserves special attention only after the age of 5 , because before that the child may not yet be fully able to keep dry at night. Over the age of 5-6, that is when 'social occasions' begin, such as school trips or invitations to spend the night at a friend's house, it can also become a discomfort for the child. Enuresis is due to physical abnormalities only very rarely: generally it is a disorder and not a disease . Recently, scientific research has shown that the phenomenon of bedwetting does not derive from psychological problems, at the limit it can become the cause when no action is taken to treat it. In most cases we are dealing with a normal phase of development : staying dry at night is in fact the last step that the child takes in taking care of himself.

What to do every day to better manage this inconvenience?

Bedwetting is a problem for the affected child, but it is also a problem for the parents. To help you deal with bedwetting positively and ensure drier nights, here are some tips:

1. Do not scold, humiliate or punish the child: the problem does not depend on his will.

2. Talk to him about his situation reassuring him.

3. Try not to give the child a drink after dinner and make him pee before bed.

4. Use DryNites ® , the discrete, easy-to-wear, super-absorbent panties that ensure your child sleeps serenely and dry.

Why DryNites ® ?

DryNites ® panties are the only ones designed to deal with the problem of enuresis.

• Unbeatable protection all night long, thanks to a super absorbent thin layer that draws moisture away from the skin.

They are thin and discreet and, once worn under pajamas, they are so comfortable that the child will not even notice they are wearing them and nobody will notice them.

They are decorated with the designs they like: Spiderman for boys and Frozen for girls.

They are suitable for children aged 3 to 15 , starting from 16 kilograms in weight.

Do you want to try them? Request a free sample now at:

Article taken from the magazine "Nascere mamma" Winter edition. Sponsored by Drynites.