You must have certainly wondered why the custom of displaying a ribbon outside the door at the birth of a child was born.
Since ancient times, the bow has been used as a symbol of vitality and as a sign of homage to the divinities . In fact, the men of the past used to admire the snow and its flakes as a magical event . The forces of nature indeed; as sun, fire, wind and rain they were considered the embodiment of the gods. Due to the aura of mystery that surrounded it, the bow has come down to us as a symbol of good luck.
The choice of the color of the bow (pink for girls and blue for boys) is certainly not accidental. Again according to ancient traditions, blue was connected to the male, the color of the sky, which served to bring him close to the divinities, and therefore to be preserved from evils on earth.
Red is the color associated with fertility, the menstrual cycle and femininity. For children, the colors blue and pink were thought to be more suitable than red and blue, being more subdued.
So look for the birth ribbon that you like best, because in addition to the usefulness of letting your loved ones know of the happy news, you can bring a little luck into the house!