There is a record that belongs to Italy in the 'stork' area: one in five children is the son of mothers who have reached the age of 40. A real record in Europe. Getting pregnant over 40 is now a normal condition in our country, linked in part to today's social changes and in part to personal choices. Especially since, although once this age is exceeded the chances of having a pregnancy are considerably reduced, IVF and other artificial insemination techniques can also give an answer to the most complex cases (it should be remembered that even male fertility, after the age of 35, undergoes a deflection). Not only that: once successful in conception, pregnancy could manifest age-related complications: gestational diabetes, placenta previa, postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia; the risks of ectopic pregnancy, premature birth and miscarriage also increase, as well as chromosomal abnormalities (such as Down's syndrome which, after the age of 45, can occur in one child in 35 compared to 1 in 1500 for mothers in their twenties). And then all the stresses to which the body is subjected.
But Generation X (also known as the Boomerang or Peter Pan, due to their propensity to delay some traditional rites of passage before entering adulthood) have now taken this path. With advantages that should not be underestimated, according to some experts: becoming a 'late' mother means having made a decision in a thoughtful and conscious way; having acquired greater stability (both financial and emotional), a wider awareness of the required commitment, a more complete ability to manage inner serenity. Specific studies have found that mothers over 40 are more present in their children's lives, thus reducing the number of accidents at home, and prepare them better for pre-school and school experiences. On the other hand, there are those who point out that 40 years is a watershed in the history of a woman, the moment in which a new half of life begins: with a pregnancy, two natural phenomena would join, motherhood and individual maturity. Getting pregnant becomes a springboard for renewal in a 'second phase of life': the career manager who is now ready to become a mother; the daughter who feels guilty for not having yet given her parents grandchildren; the woman who after years of precariousness goes in search of stability. The biological clock strikes for each individual in a completely personal way. The important thing is to face this beautiful adventure with serenity and contacting expert medical personnel, who can guide you along the way, even with adequate tests and checks.
Taken from Born Mom | by Laura Sciolla