It happens to all children, from time to time, to feel unwell, to have a bad mood, to argue with someone or to want to cast a "spell".
Having a magic formula available for each of these situations (and many more) will help solve them in a flash, and bring back the smile. Little spells in the form of a nursery rhyme, to be recited together.
We present some excerpts from the book "Bumblebee stomach ache. Magic formulas for every day" by Bruno Tognolini (Nord-Sud Edizioni, 2017).
Against stomach ache
Bumblebee bellyache
Take away your sting
Midge bellyache
You'll end up in the potty
To bring good weather on the weekends
Saturday wind do me a favor
Sweep the black clouds from the sky
Blow them away in distant countries
Or move them to the day after tomorrow
Against fever
Flower that burns, cricket that jumps
Let me get rid of the high fever
The cricket jumps, the fever goes away
And the low fever comes
Against dad's back pain
Dolphin sun, whale moon
Let daddy get over his back pain
So he smiles, takes a coffee
And play with me again
Taken from Born Mom | by Matthias Lerner