Between the first and third year of life, the pediatrician can submit the child to the Lang test, for early screening of stereoscopic vision defects, such as amblyopia (or 'lazy eye', in which the child sees mainly in one eye) and congenital strabismus (where you see with one eye at a time). Quite simple to perform, there are two versions, of which stereotest 2 is the most widespread: in a well-lit environment, at a distance of 30-40 cm, a rigid postcard is presented to the child on which a star, a moon , a car and an elephant. The patient has to say if and which drawings he sees and, if he cannot express himself, he is asked to grasp them with his fingers. The star, not present in stereotest 1, is also visible by subjects without binocular vision: this increases the specificity of the exam, as the child who does not show seeing it is unreliable due to lack of cooperation; if he sees only the star, the result is highly indicative of pathology.

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