In recent years, Italian families have been able to take advantage of the benefits offered by four main types of 'bonuses':
- Bonus mom tomorrow
- Baby bonus
- Kindergarten bonus
- Babysitting Bonus.
According to the provisions of the new Budget Law for 2019, the Babysitter Bonus, aimed at mothers who, by giving up the so-called optional maternity leave, chose to return to work, has not been renewed. Therefore, the 600 euros per month foreseen in the event of the mother's parental leave being waived have been cancelled.
Bonus mom tomorrow
As for the mom tomorrow bonus, also known as the Inps birth bonus or pregnancy bonus, the extension has been confirmed and the benefit will be renewed until December 2020, when the allocated resources will run out. All mothers who enter the seventh month of pregnancy can therefore request the 800 euros due, regardless of their Isee income. In order to request the Bonus, the mother must be resident in Italy, with Italian, EU or even non-EU citizenship, if she has been recognized as a political refugee or if she has a long-term residence permit. The Mom Tomorrow Bonus is also provided for in the event of national or international adoption or pre-adoptive foster care.
Baby bonus or Inps birth allowance
After many discussions, the Baby Bonus was also confirmed: 80 euros per month for one year for families with an Isee income of up to 25 thousand euros, or 160 euros with an Isee of up to 7 thousand euros. The Baby Bonus, the request for which can be presented for children born between 1 January and 31 December 2019, aims to provide help in economic terms to the family to meet the numerous expenses, and for this reason it is reserved to low-income households. Furthermore, you must be an Italian citizen, a citizen of a European Union country or a non-EU citizen (if in possession of the EC residence permit), and naturally reside in Italy. The monthly allowance is also valid in the case of an adopted child or in pre-adoptive foster care. The application must be submitted within 90 days of the newcomer's birth or entry into the family nucleus, by going to a Patronage institution, sending the application online, via the INPS website, if in possession of the device pin issued by the institution , or by calling the INPS contact center number. New for 2019 is a 20% increase on the allowance starting with the second child. Therefore, families with an Isee income of between 7 and 25 thousand euros and with two children will be able to receive aid corresponding to 96 euros per month, while those with an income of less than 7 thousand euros will be entitled to a check of up to 192 euros.
Kindergarten bonus
Measure confirmed, albeit modified, for the nursery school bonus: this is an improvement for users, given that the contribution for the payment of public and private nursery school fees or forms of home assistance (in the event of serious pathologies) for children under 3 (born on or after 1 January 2016) it rises from one thousand to 1,500 euros. It will remain so from 2019 to 2021.
Being disbursed over 11 months (in case of kindergarten attendance for these months), it reaches a maximum of 136.37 euros per month. It is not dependent on Isee income. The child must have the same residence as the applicant parents, who must have Italian or EU citizenship, or even non-EU citizenship if the status of political refugee has been recognized or if in possession of a long-term residence permit. To submit the application, the parents must attach, on the Inps portal, the documentation proving the payment of at least the tuition fee for the first month of attendance. For home care, on the other hand, certification from a pediatrician is required. Those who benefit from this contribution cannot deduct the expenses related to attendance at nursery school as a tax deduction.
The discourse of farewells also deserves a mention. In particular:
Maternity leave 2019:
it is compulsory abstention from work for women in the last months of pregnancy and in the first months after the birth of the child. With the new Budget Law, women, if in good health, can decide to work up to the ninth month of pregnancy using the 5 months of compulsory maternity leave entirely after giving birth. In these 5 months, he receives an indemnity equal to 80% of his global average daily salary.
Parental leave:
the aim was to offer greater flexibility to parental leave, which today can be requested by both the mother and the father, but for a total period of no more than 10 months. The provision shows differences if we are talking about employees or self-employed workers but, for example, the employee can, once the maternity leave is over, be absent from work for another 6 months (not necessarily continuous) receiving 30% of the salary . Alternatively, by giving up parental leave, new mothers can apply for permits for breastfeeding.
Paternity leave:
are the days after the birth in which the father has the obligation (and the right) to stay at home to look after the child. The period increases from 4 to 5 days and remains usable within 5 months of the child's life (born, adopted or in foster care).
Taken from Born Mom | by Lucia Modici
nb: the information contained in the article may vary according to the developments defined by the interventions and amendments to the budget law.