Bilingual children. It's never too early.

Bambini bilingue. Non è mai troppo presto.
Having dismissed the worries of a few years ago about learning a second language in the first years of life, today it is known that this process of simultaneous plurilingual assimilation not only does not confuse the little ones but has positive effects , and across the board, on their development brain and cognition. Whether it happens because mom and dad speak different languages, because they are placed in a multilingual context (made up of foreign nannies, friends and relatives) or, again, because they attend a bilingual kindergarten, for children to learn a second language in early childhood it is a great opportunity , a harbinger of advantages that go beyond mere linguistic skills. CONDITIONS ■ For children, learning a language is a spontaneous process , just like starting to walk, very different from any learning modality it will trigger in the following years. ■ Children's brains are perfectly capable of handling two or more languages ​​simultaneously right from birth . 96 Bilingual Children It's never too early ADVANTAGES ■ More spontaneous and in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms of language , derived from the intuitive and constant comparison between two different linguistic structures. ■ Greater mental flexibility and multitasking approach : switching from one task to another is easier in bilingual children, already experienced and able to continuously transition from one language to another. ■ Larger vocabulary and more developed ability to express oneself even in the mother tongue. ■ Early reading : bilingual children generally learn to read a year earlier than monolinguals, being facilitated in understanding that each object corresponds not only to two or more verb forms (based on the languages ​​they know) but also two or more specific written forms. Basically, bilinguals understand more easily that there is a system of correspondence between letters and sounds , moreover different for each language. ■ Greater predisposition to learning a third and fourth language . ■ More immediate acceptance of diversity : of the fact, in particular, that each person can speak – and therefore think and look at the world – differently. ■ Increased artistic ability . ■ Improved academic performance . ■ Improved memory and attention . ■ Cognitive advantages in the elderly : from the most recent studies it seems that in bilingual elderly people the physiological decline of cognitive functions proceeds more slowly. I WANT A BILINGUAL CHILD To stimulate bilingualism in the child, the first step is to expose him to the two languages ​​- which will in any case enter into a probable hierarchical and complementary relationship - early and consistently, offering him frequent opportunities to listen to and use both . Furthermore, it will be necessary to work on motivation, so that he feels inclined to speak in the second language. When bilingualism is activated at home , experts suggest the 'one parent, one language' method, whereby everyone speaks only their language with their child mother. In these cases, it is useful that bilingualism is also maintained outside the home , trying to 'immerse' the child in the second language as often as possible: no forcing but frequent incentives to use it (through meetings with children who speak the same language, travel abroad , attendance at bilingual kindergartens ). Language video and audio are also useful, although these are passive expositions. POSSIBLE PROBLEMS In the short term, bilingual children may have more difficulty using their language skills confidently. But don't worry: the delay is filled within a few years, before entering primary school. Afterwards you will have nothing but benefits. By Sara Lanfranchini | Taken from Being Born a Mom