Extricate yourself in the maze of "bureaucratese" is not easy for a normal citizen. We therefore ask the insiders to give us some concrete information on the famous "AUU", i.e. the Single Universal Allowance.
First of all, let's say that it is a monthly benefit provided by INPS to all families with children under the age of 21 (and with no age limit for disabled children)
who request it ; the disbursement takes place by bank transfer to the parents' current account.
The single universal allowance is available to all families regardless of the parents' working status and without income limits.
The amount of the check is commensurate with the ISEE.
It is important to know that the single universal check replaces:
- The Prize at birth (Bonus mom tomorrow)
- the Childbirth allowance (baby bonus)
- ANF and deductions for dependent children under the age of 21.
The nursery bonus will remain in effect.
Therefore, from March 2022
, checks for the family unit and family allowances will no longer be paid in paychecks.
It is essential to remember that the disbursement of the check is not automatic but it will be necessary to apply to the INPS, also through Patronati.
It is possible to submit the application for disbursement from 1 January 2022. Requests can in any case be presented at any time of the year and, if accepted, give the right to disbursement of the benefit until February of the following year.
All applications submitted by 30 June of each year in any case give the right to arrears from the month of March.
Summary table of amounts